Fine Cousine and Wine

“De honesta voluptate et valetudine«- on true pleasure and goodhealth, or even better “true pleasure is good health”. In 1467, the philosopher Bartolomeo Platina gave this title to his treatise onhealthy food. He quoted Maestro Martino de Rossi, who was chef to thefifteenth century Patriarch of Aquileia and the Soča region, and hencehad links to Slovenia, Ludovico Trevisano.

So the people of theSoča Valley have known about and enjoyed good food for a very long time.

The traditions have passed from generation to generation, in written form and orally.

Today every housewife knows how to prepare the famous local dessert “kobariški štruklji” (a delicious dessert made from dough stuffed with walnuts, raisins and such like), to which the culinary grandees of the town even dedicate a festival – JESTIVAL.

Yet,beware, history and tradition do not reign absolutely, for every štrukelj is different. And diversity is indeed a special feature of the restaurants of Kobarid:

  • Topli Val
  • Hiša Franko
  • Postaja Poljana
  • Pri Konfinu
  • Kotlar
  • Tourist Farm Robidišče
  • Tourist farm Jelenov breg
  • Pizzeria Fedrig, Kobarid